Archives for Rocky DEM

Finding the sweet spot with GPU vs CPU hardware for faster processing in Rocky DEM

Engineers running particle simulations now not only demand faster solution times but also want to increase the fidelity of their DEM simulations using millions more particles. Fortunately, advances in GPU capabilities have meant that Rocky DEM customers can take advantage dedicated GPU-based solvers - but what is the hardware sweet spot for different problem sizes? Here we review a comprehensive set of benchmarks completed by the Rocky DEM developers comparing solve times on CPUs vs GPUs.

Predicting Liner Wear in a SAG Mill using Rocky DEM coupled with ANSYS CFD

LEAP will be in Melbourne at the 2nd Int'l Symposium on Computational Particle Technology to showcase exciting new modelling work that has been completed recently using Rocky DEM and ANSYS CFD to predict liner wear in a semi-autonomous grinding (SAG) mill, using ANSYS CFD to model the effects of slurry flow within the mill on liner wear and particle breakage.