Archives for design optimisation

Shape Optimisation without constraints - How to use the Adjoint Solver Part 1

Engineers are continually under pressure to improve the performance of their products and often look to gain an edge using optimisation techniques - trying to reduce drag, increase lift (or downforce), or reduce pressure drop. Rather than relying on intuition to make geometry changes that are often constrained (using a parametric CAD approach), you can now use the new Adjoint solver to compute localised sensitivity data (related to your objectives) and optimize your design semi-automatically.

Guest Post: ANSYS CFD helps Sunswift tackle the World Solar Challenge

Issue 1 of ANSYS Advantage magazine places the spotlight on the academic use of CFD and other ANSYS software.  Part of this issue is dedicated to student engineering competitions where students have the chance to use real-world engineering methods and tools such as CFD to design cutting-edge products, including race cars (FSAE) and solar passenger vehicles...

Astute use of ANSYS CFD contributes to the success of Australian teams at F1 in Schools 2013 World Finals

LEAP is very proud to congratulate the students from A1 Racing for winning the F1 in Schools 2013 World Finals in Austin, Texas.  A1 Racing are a collaboration team between Pine Rivers in Brisbane, QLD, and Phoenix P-12 in Ballarat, Vic, who have continued the proud tradition of Australian students excelling at this international event...

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