Archives for unsteady flow models

Guest Blog by Prof. David Fletcher: Importance of following Best Practices for Scale Resolving Turbulence Modelling

Guest Blog explaining the significance of the new Stress-Blended Eddy Simulation (SBES) turbulence approach which makes use of the best available models for both near-wall and far field accuracy, within one single scale-resolving CFD simulation, including a recording of highlights from our recent webinar.

Going with the Flow

The water industry has a range of engineering challenges and specific regulatory requirements, especially concerning flow assurance, water quality, and even component selection. Learn how CFD delivers real value to the water industry - such as predicting complex flow behavior, across individual components or large network systems.

Turbulence Part 5 - Overview of Scale-Resolving Simulations (SRS)

An increasing number of industrial CFD users are recognising the need to move away from RANS modelling and resolve a greater spectrum of turbulence (particularly in cases involving large-scale separation, strongly swirling flows, acoustics, etc.). Here we present an overview of Scale Resolving Simulation techniques and important considerations when considering applying SRS to your project.

(Part 2) 10 Useful Tips on selecting the most appropriate multiphase flow CFD models

As we discussed in our previous post, the first step when  tackling a multiphase CFD problem is to identify the key characteristics of your physical system.  Once you've done this (using our checklist if you are still new to multiphase CFD), you can begin to make informed decisions on what multiphase modelling approaches to use....

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